Loves of My Life

Monday, June 21, 2010

People will always disappoint you, but God will NEVER!!!

One thing that I have finally learned and realized is that you can't put your hopes in people. People will always disappoint you, even the ones that you wouldn't expect too! Just because you have things in common and you are "suppose" to believe and old dear the same values, doesn't necessarily mean that what is important to you is equally as important to others. Just because you think that you would have done something different if the roles where reverse doesn't mean that they think of it that way. Just because you do whatever possible to be there for someone in need doesn't mean that when you are need that they will be there for you. God is truly the only one that is there with you all the time. He never disappoints and never fails you. We are all human and we are all imperfect. We will let people down and we will be let down, but God will NEVER let us down! He is always there for us and He will never disappoint us!!

I have never been the one that was in with the popular crowd, I always wanted to be and would spend many hours crying because I felt like I didn't fit in that there was something wrong with me. Well being a little older and wiser (I guess) and having plenty of disappointment and rejection from people, I truly know now that I was putting all that energy in the wrong place. God loves me and He is always there for me and He will never disappoint me. No matter what I do, I know that I can count on Him. If I have a party or function and no one shows, I know that God is there with me! He will never leave me alone!!! I have had a lot of "friends" come and go in my life, some that have stayed much longer than others but I can't truly say that I have had one person that has not disappointed me, one person that has been there for me when I truly need someone, one person that has not had a hidden agenda; but God is that person. He is that person that truly loves me unconditionally!

I remember how I would try SO hard in school to make friends. I always thought that there was something wrong with me. I had a few friends, but they weren't in the "in" crowd (sorry guys). I knew just about everyone that I went to school with because we all grew up together, but I could count on one hand how many where truly my friends (and thankfully we are still today). I remember when I was a sophmore in high school and my parents told me that we were going to be moving and if I was ok with switching high schools before my junior year. I was SO excited about leaving all the people I knew (though weren't friends with) and starting over to meet new people. I just knew I was going to get a fresh start and this time I was going to be in the "in" crowd.

Well guess what? That didn't happen!!! There were many many nights where I would go the the football games alone, go to the popular after the game hang out and sit in the corner alone, then I would cry all the way home!! Then finally, I just stopped going. My high school days would have to be the worse part of my life, but knowing what I know now, I would not have done it any differently! I just wish I would have realized that God had been waiting there for me the entire time. He would have saved me SO many tears but then I wouldn't be the person that I am today. I wouldn't know how gracious and wonderful He really is.

It was much longer after high school before I finally knew exactly how mighty and yet how loving He truly is. I have always believed in God but I went through the motions. It wasn't until Caden was born that I finally realized how much I need Him and how lost I truly had been! You know, we all take things for granted and it seems that (unfortunately) something bad has to happen before we realize that God is always there and He is ALL that we need. Still today, I do not fit in with the "in" crowd. I am not invited to the parities, dinners, get-togethers, etc., but you know, that's ok because I know that there is nothing wrong with me and if they don't want my company that is ok. They are the ones that are missing out on finding out what type of person I am; how genuine I am, how caring and loving I can be. All I need is for God to know that I am that type of person. I am that type of Christian that He can be proud to call His child!!

I am glad that I realized that my one true best friend has been with me my entire life and is only a pray away!!!


  1. Who is more pathetic, your imaginary god or you?

  2. Who is more pathetic, one who is confident and happy in their faith or one who trashes other peoples beliefs?

    Yeah, that's what I thought.

  3. The one trashing people I say

  4. Roland Orbach is the most pathetic

  5. Thank you for this post. It is exactly how I'm feeling right now. I need to rely more on God and less on people. Thank you!

  6. Thanks so much for this post. People truly disappoint. I have been very discouraged as of late, but you have encouraged me to look even harder & hold even tighter to God. He knows all about it, after all.does no

    And, as to the comment on "pathetic" people. The only truly pathetic person is the one who has rejected Jesus Christ. In the end, they will find that Hell is a REAL place & that they will be eternally separated from the God who loves them & made them.

  7. It is such a joy to have this unswerving confidence that God will never disappoint us, come what may!!!!
