Loves of My Life

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I want to love me

Funny how I was never real emotional until I gained all this weight. Funny how I never had any problems with anger, anxiety, or depression until I gained all this weight!!! I don't want to be on medication because that doesn't do anything but make me gain MORE weight!!

I want to LOVE myself!! I want to LOVE my life!! I have so much to live for and be happy for. I have an amazing husband and wonderful children, but do I show them how happy they make me....NO!!! I am a real Beotch to them!! WHY?? Because I am not happy with ME!!! Is that a good reason....NO!!!!! I hate myself!! I hate the way I look!! I hate the way that I treat those that I love the most!!! BUT, I don't know how to control it!!! I don't know how to take the compliments when my husband tells me how beautiful I am. Or when my children tell me that I look like a princess!!! I KNOW that they believe it and feel that way BUT I DON"T!!!!!

I make my husband suffer because I don't like the way I look and I think that he should be just a disgusted about the way I look as I am. I don't think that he should WANT to touch me. I want to stay locked in my house where no one sees me because I feel as though they are looking at me.

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