Loves of My Life

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Facebook is like High School ALL over again!!!

Facebook is worse than High School. I will be the first to admit that I am addicted to Facebook and it is the only way that I am able to keep in touch with some people; however, the fears from High School come back each time I get a "friends" request. Do these people requesting my "friendship" (used losely) REALLY want to be friends or just want to see how good or bad I have done since High School?? These "friendships" seem to be friendships of convenience. Only convenient when I do what they want. These people were not my "friends" in High School so why do they want to be "friends" with me on Facebook???

Oh and then be friends with someone and "de-friend" them because they never speak to you or respond to your posts and you would have thought that you talked to their high school crush or got into a fight with them. It's FACEBOOK people!!!

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