Loves of My Life

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Life is a Soap Opera!!!

No kidding!!! I think that I could create a Soap Opera based on the people in my life!! I have EVERY kind...the backstabber (a couple of those), the selfish and selfcentered (a couple of those), the deadbeat (a couple of those), the liar (a couple of those), the criminal (a couple of those), and some where mulitple hats or all of the hats!!!

I have one (well more than one) that thinks that everything should be handed to them, for no other reason than because they breathe air. One that likes to blame EVERYONE for anything bad that has ever happened in their life, instead of stepping up and taking responsbilities for their own mistakes. One that doesn't understand what marriage is and that once you become a parent and a wife, you shouldn't go to the bars 3-4 times per WEEK!!! One that is jealous of everything that everyone else has and doesn't understand that if you want more you have to work harder and do more to get further ahead in life. One that likes to complain about how broke they are, yet buys expensive unnecessary items. One that thinks that they are better than anyone and the entire world revolves around them! One that doesn't have enough sense to get out of the rain, let alone drive a vehicle down the road. One that likes to conspire the other members of the family against each other and thinks that other members can do no wrong while others can do no right. One that is ungrateful and unappreciative of anything that is given to or done for them.

The drama gets so bad sometimes that I wish we lived MILES and MILES away so that we would have a good reason not to attend functions with these people. You can tell by the tension that none of them REALLY want to be around certain people or me, I'll admit it. I know that there are several that could careless if they ever see me again, but you know what??? The feelings are MUTUAL!!!! :)

So why do I keep coming around?? I don't know?? Because it is what I am suppose to do. Because it is what God wants me to do. Maybe, I need to be the one that changes MY way and MY attitudes and then maybe it will make those around me change their's as well!!

1 Timothy 5:8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

2 Corinthians 6:18 And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Facebook is like High School ALL over again!!!

Facebook is worse than High School. I will be the first to admit that I am addicted to Facebook and it is the only way that I am able to keep in touch with some people; however, the fears from High School come back each time I get a "friends" request. Do these people requesting my "friendship" (used losely) REALLY want to be friends or just want to see how good or bad I have done since High School?? These "friendships" seem to be friendships of convenience. Only convenient when I do what they want. These people were not my "friends" in High School so why do they want to be "friends" with me on Facebook???

Oh and then be friends with someone and "de-friend" them because they never speak to you or respond to your posts and you would have thought that you talked to their high school crush or got into a fight with them. It's FACEBOOK people!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Who Needs Friends Anyway??

I have never really had anymore than 1 or 2 TRUE friends! I have had people come and go, more go then stay! Most of the relationships that I have been in have always been one-sided. It was always ME giving, ME putting myself out there. I would drop everything at a moments notice to be there for a "friend" that needed me. BUT when I needed that friend, she was NO where to be found!!!

Even the relationship with my biological father was the same way. I was the one giving and giving and now I have no clue where he is!

I have a wonderful husband, who I don't tell often enough. He was ALWAYS been there for me!! We both give 100% towards our marriage and our relationship. So why do I need anything more? Why do I need a female to be my friend?? I don't!!